
Status Dashboard

Once system is monitoried there might be a desire to have a status dashboard that uses monitoring data. Being something like a public cloud puts certain expectations on the features and design of the status dashboard. Fulfilling those requirements in existing dashboards is not always easy therefore some tiny, but extensible dashboard is being created. It follows the same pattern with alternative solutions and consists of 2 major items: components and incidents.


Component is an entity with certain attributes (in example a compute service in region A and compute service in region B if those are physically separated). This entity represent certain service and is monitored.


An incident is an obstacle for the service to do what it should do. Every incident affects some components, has some effect degree (minor incident, outage, maintenance), information on begin and end and history of changes.

Absence of an open (empty end date) incident for the service is normally treated as “the service is up and running”.


Status dashboard is only a place for visualization of incidents. It is not doing any monitoring on it’s own, but rather expects that monitoring system will raise an incident once certain conditions are met. So once certain criteria are fulfilled monitoring system invokes API of the status dashboard and opens new incident (or course not if the one for the service is already open)

In order to avoid flaky situations and to force platform operations team to treat incidents correspondingly incidents are never closed automatically, but enforces a human interaction with proper communication.

There is a need to also have certain system maintenances. In order to avoid incidents being reported during this timeframe a special incident with type maintenance can be opened ba human in advance.