
CloudMon manager

Deploying every component of the monitoring is a very tedious task. Especially dealing with config files in big clusters is not possible without a proper automation. CloudMon manager is a CLI tool that takes a general configuration file for the system and an Ansible inventory of all hosts availbale for the monitoring and performs installation of the components as well as generation of the correct config files for every component of the system.

Under the hood of the CloudMon manager is again Ansible. It invokes playbooks through ansible-runner while generating runtime variables and inventories for deploying specific component. When Ansible is not a best fit, for example when managing dashboards in Grafana, CloudMon manager process is performing direct API requests towards Grafana and maintains dashboards and datasources there.

Currently CloudMon manager process is coming with certain expectations and deployment choices for the system setup. For example as a metric storage clustered Graphite database is being managed. Manager process is capable to install Graphite with carbonapi in a cluster mode. Similarly it is capable to install reference Grafana for easing starting using CloudMon. It is, however, strongly recommended to review every component and do additional configurations, or install requeried components via different means as requested by internal procedures, and take all the necessary security measures.

While doing monitoring of the system it is mandatory to guarantee some form of high availability of the monitoring itself, otherwise a not working monitoring can be considered as no problem. Due to that all of the components are being installed (or expected to be provisioned) in the high availability mode.


GraphiteApp is being chosen as a reliable storage for metrics with easy horizontal scalability, where metrics can be stored with the chosen replication factor and desired retention policy. In a cluster setup for monitoring of a big cloud performance of the graphite web app has shown issues. For that reason carbonapi, as an alternative implementation of the API using go language, is being installed. Except of grafana dashboards normally designed for graphite metrics there is no necessity to use precisely graphite. It is just our choice. It can be safely replaced with anything else with 2 aspects needed to be correspondingly adapted:


Currently PostgreSQL cluster managed by patroni is being supported by CloudMon. It is capable to install it on the prepared hardware and configure it correspondingly.


Grafana is there while it is currently standard tool for visualizing metrics. It is not a requirement.

SSL Certificates

Nowadays it is unavoidable to use TLS protection for all of the services. Sadly this is also one of the most challenging things in automating because of variety of ways to manage those. Due to that CloudMon system assumes all SSL certificates are available on the hosts and managed outside.

Project documentation

CloudMon documentation